Jobs in Chennai, India

India's only marketplace for influencer marketing. 100% Paid Job

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Connect & Collaborate with trusted brand from around the world. Thousands of influencers get their first client here

32 Jobs Found


Influencers needed for educational app

1 year ago   Agra - 385.98km Affiliate Marketing  Est. Budget: ₹5,000  -  ₹8,000 per Post
Hi, \\\e are looking for influencers to promote our app. Create a 60sec reel explaining features and what the app offers.Also, include in-video text/content.We will provide yo...

Fashion and Lifestyle Influencer

1 year ago   Noida - 465.62km Giveaways  Est. Budget: ₹12,000  -  ₹15,000 per Post
Hi,Bluefly is looking for the best fashion and lifestyle influencers for our e-commerce site.You'll have to create a transition reel with our products.The reel should be at least 2...